Almost a year ago from now, the pandemic hit the world by surprise. Who would have thought that in this busy modern age, the world would stop? People stayed home for safety. Roads filled with automobiles had none. Food supply was uncertain. And for some reason, toilet papers too. Unfortunately, a lot of businesses closed and millions of people lost their jobs. And the most heartbreaking of all, millions of people around the world had lost their lives to the unforgiving disease.
Where are we at now? Through scientific advancement and the need to address this matter as soon as possible, machines and tests to identify the disease are now used and widely available. An array of vaccines have been produced and are now distributed to hundreds and thousands of people.
As sad as it was getting, I am grateful and amazed about how far we’ve come. Our resilience and compassion for one another is overpowering our differences. I’m proud that simple changes in our practices help decrease spread of the disease. We’ll just have to keep doing what we can and have faith that this will just be something we’ll look back at and learn from.
With that said, I truly miss how the world was before COVID-19. I look forward to visiting our scholars; celebrate our semesters, holidays and birthdays; have team building activities and most especially, re-open our scholarship to more students in need.
I know we’ll get through this. For now, we’ll stay connected and reminisce the fun times we had. Stay Blissful!